November 2016

Highlights From Myer’s “Oldest Books in the World”

“Study on a subject before giving an opinion” and other truly old realizations.

Published on November 24, 2016, filed under .

Highlights From Scovel Shinn’s “Your Word is Your Wand”

Short excerpts that convey a rather unconventional view on our realities. “Happiness and health must be earned by absolute control of the emotional nature.”

Published on November 22, 2016, filed under .

About the Mindset for Quality

In my view, quality starts with quality thinking. Quality thinking is broad, but it quickly leads to a quality mindset. This mindset, now, I’ve long regarded as critical…

Published on November 17, 2016, filed under .

Stop Using the Old “Clearfix”

I had thought the old method of clearing through .clearfix:after { clear: both; content: ''; } long dead, but then I spotted it quite alive and even being taught to developers.

Published on November 14, 2016, filed under .

Privacy, Obscurity: Randomizing New Tabs

You want to leave a less predictable online trail? I wrote a little browser extension for Chrome that accomplishes that: the New Tab Traffic Randomizer. The extension requests a random URL every time a new tab is opened…

Published on November 10, 2016, filed under .

Living and Mistakes

We can’t make a mistake living our own lives. A counter to the fear of doing wrong, the harmful idea of guilt, as well as unhelpful doubt, the statement’s power lies in the realization that it’s impossible for us to live our lives â€śincorrectly.”

Published on November 7, 2016, filed under .

If you like what you see here, check out How to Work on Oneself for a lightweight look at personal growth and development, or The Problems With All the Good Things for an AI-supported perspective on—problems.