February 2020

Highlights From “An Introduction to Psychology” (Wilhelm Wundt)

“There cannot be the least contradiction in the idea that physical and psychical phenomena follow different laws, as long as these laws are not irreconcilable with the actual unity of the psycho-physical individual.”

Published on February 27, 2020, filed under and .

Round Table

I was late to discover Round Table, but joining this fine service association was one of the greatest decisions and experiences I’ve made in my life. Here’s my story co-founding and accompanying a new table, RT 233 Alster-MilchstraĂźe, for almost four years.

Published on February 20, 2020, filed under .

If you like what you see here, check out How to Work on Oneself for a lightweight look at personal growth and development, or The Problems With All the Good Things for an AI-supported perspective on—problems.