July 2024

On Mapping the World of Frontend Development

What if we had easy access to many—thousands—of the most useful, interesting, influential frontend development posts from 2000–2019? If you took care of it, how would you go about it, what challenges would you face, what would excite you? Here are some impressions, doing this work, for Frontend Dogma.

Published on July 30, 2024, filed under .

On Title Case

Casual thoughts about my experience with title case, a recent switch from AP-inspired to NYT-governed guidelines, and the respective guidelines themselves.

Published on July 27, 2024, filed under and .

Thoughts on CSS in 2024

What I appreciate, what I don’t need (so far)—light and casual and certainly subjective notes on contemporary CSS.

Published on July 15, 2024, filed under .

Transitive Optimization Considered—Interesting

Transitive optimization means that if we improve A to optimize B, and optimizations of B also optimize C, then improving A should also lead to an optimization of C. But now what?

Published on July 10, 2024, filed under .

If you like what you see here, consider the ebook version of all 2005–2015 posts on web design and development: On Web Development.
Interested in web development news and tools? Visit one of my projects, Frontend Dogma, for news and tools for frontend developers.