Website Optimization Measures, Part XXVI

Published on September 19, 2024, filed under (RSS feed for allĀ categories).

Hello and welcome to episode 26 of a series that started in 2008 and that I use to share random improvements and lessons from the work on my personal projects so that you canā€”let me make this one sentenceā€”pick what you think may benefit yours. Web design is a process!

  1. Quitting the Google docs viewer (example). I have used this thing forever, to point to PDFs and other office-type docs, and to improve the user experience at times when browsers might have opened another app, or prompted a download, or did other things. Nowadays, however, any browser I tested would readily show the respective document and make it easy to navigate backā€”while the Google viewer was oddly unreliable, sometimes requiring a few (!) clicks to even be navigated to (I never investigated that behavior). Well. Bye. (I still mention if a link goes to a PDF or such thoughā€”better information scent.)

  2. Reviewing dependency management. Iā€™m a huge fan of Depfu, and Iā€™ve gotten used to Dependabot. Alas, so far Iā€™m using a free plan of Depfu, which doesnā€™t include private repos. Although I donā€™t like the double setup, what Iā€™ve opted to do now is to make sure every Node project is set up with Dependabot (to guarantee that each projectā€™s dependencies are managed), and to add Depfu to public repositories. The double setup (and the possible noise related to it) Iā€™m addressing by using a weekly Dependabot schedule in private projects, and a monthly one in public projects (where Depfu is handling the main load). Iā€™m not annoyed, and think it works well!

  3. Revising handling of English terms in Germany copy. Oh swearword is this a swearwordā€”Iā€™m probably giving up on trying to make this consistent (let alone ā€œperfectā€). Iā€™m probably already giving up on a proper explanation! But letā€™s just say this, especially in German technical writings I use a good number of English termsā€”and there are a number of (largely inconsequential) ways of marking or not marking these. Iā€™ve worked on improving this butā€”you can already tell, Iā€™m not happy yet. (And I do have enough German content infused with English terms that this issue sucks.)

  4. Setting up Prettier. šŸ˜¬ Donā€™t you worry, Iā€™ve known Prettier for ages! But it took me until scanning Matt Pocockā€™s How to Create an npm Package to finally include it in my overall project setup. Well!

    Speaking of which, I had to tweak options and what to ignore quite a bit, to then be so concerned about Prettierā€™s opinionated and upheld decision to ā€œcloseā€ HTML tags (which leads to useless XHTMLā€“HTML bloat), that Iā€™ve disabled Prettier for HTML, and am monitoring whether using it does indeed make sense.

  5. Kicking Prettier. After familiarizing myself with Prettierā€™s options and opinions, I discovered more decisions I donā€™t agree with and that I donā€™t want in my code base (like EOF new lines)ā€”and decided it was not worth it. Good bye šŸ«”

  6. Tagging AWS resources. As part of testing and playing around with AWS (cf. Notes on Setting Up a Static Website With AWS), I started tagging resources. Iā€™ve been keeping this simple, just tagging by domain name, and itā€™s all early, but, weā€™ll see.

  7. Adjusting bot crawl delays. Ages ago, I limited Majesticā€™s MJ12botā€™s crawl delay on Reviewing robots.txt files and hits from this and related bots, I decided to include Semrushā€™s bot in the mix, too, and set the following rules in all my major websites. To be observed and tweaked further.

    User-agent: MJ12bot
    User-agent: SemrushBot
    Crawl-delay: 15
  8. Optimizing Eleventy configuration and performance. Keeping this vagueā€”still testingā€”, I used AI to question and optimize some of my .eleventy.js customizations. Some of this related to if/else constructs, too. I believe I could shave off Ćø 10% export time for Frontend Dogma, for example, butā€”Iā€™m still testing.

  9. Quitting DreamHost. Iā€™ve been a DreamHost customer and fan since 2006. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve grown unhappy, but Iā€™ve definitely fallen out of love over time. The first time I noticed this was a couple of years back, when DreamHost force-upgraded my hosting to a PHP version some tooling I was using didnā€™t support, then telling me to pay their premium support to get it patchedā€”which, feeling pressured but not to be blackmailed, led to me pulling the plug on said tooling (!). (This was the first time that a hosting provider forced their will on me, and it probably cost them the business relationship.) More recently, I noticed how much more expensive DreamHost was than my German provider, ALL-INKL, as well as AWS, which I use as well. Iā€™ve taken care of the bulk of the work to close my DreamHost account, to complete the rest over the next few months.

This is a part of an open article series. Check out some of the other posts!

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About Me

Jens Oliver Meiert, on November 9, 2024.

Iā€™m Jens (long: Jens Oliver Meiert), and Iā€™m a web developer, manager, and author. Iā€™ve worked as a technical lead and engineering manager for small and large enterprises, Iā€™m an occasional contributor to web standards (like HTML, CSS, WCAG), and I write and review books for Oā€™Reilly and FrontendĀ Dogma.

I love trying things, not only in web development and engineering management, but also in other areas like philosophy. Here on I share some of my experiences and views. (I value you being critical, interpreting charitably, and givingĀ feedback.)