100 Things I Learned as an Everyday Adventurer

Buch vom 30. Oktober 2013. Schwerpunkt: (RSS-Feed für alle Themen).

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Mein erstes nicht-technisches und zugleich englisches Buch. Weshalb ich’s mit dem Deutschen hier gleich ganz lasse.

Terrific piece of self-introspection and adventure.

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Format und Preis E-Book (EPUB und PDF), 9,99 Dollar
Kindle-E-Book (kostenlose App für Android und iOS), 9,99 Euro
Extras 20 Fotos
Vorschau Ausgewählte Kapitel (PDF, 312 KB)
Seitenzahl 146 (PDF)
Sprache Englisch
Anbieter Amazon
Apple Books
Google Play Books
ISBN 978-0-9911480-0-4
Letzte Version 1.2.55 (Buch gekauft, aber mittlerweile alte Version? Kontaktiere mich, vielleicht kann ich helfen)


This is the book that the most boring person would write when they discovered life’s possibilities. Meet Jens, a hectic, neurotic self-proclaimed adventurer, and his very individual account of one hundred different activities he tried over the course of three years (2010–2013). From rafting to security guard certifications to crocheting, everything had a lesson, and these lessons are shared in this book. Look forward to the German answer to Winston Wolfe explaining one way to live life.

→ This is the book if you decide to break out of your routines and discover the abundance of what you can do in your free time.

The outline:

  • Introduction
  • Acknowledgments
  • 100 Things I Learned as an Everyday Adventurer
    1. Flying Helicopters
    2. Skydiving
    3. Manicure and Pedicure
    4. Visiting a Psychic
    5. Learning to Ride a Motorcycle
    6. Go-Kart Racing
    7. Shooting Handguns
    8. First Aid Training
    9. Doing Improv
    10. Kickboxing
    11. Welding (TIG)
    12. Chocolate Baking
    13. Machine Sewing
    14. Speed Dating
    15. Riding a Hot Air Balloon
    16. Open Water Diving
    17. Rock Climbing and Bouldering
    18. Sailing
    19. Archery
    20. Salsa Dancing
    21. Bungee Jumping
    22. Horseback Riding
    23. Hunting Education
    24. Learning Bear Identification Basics (Online)
    25. Cocktail Mixing
    26. Security Guard Training
    27. Learning Photography Basics
    28. Pepper-Spraying and Handcuffing
    29. Stock Car Racing
    30. High Performance Driving Training
    31. Shooting Rifles and Shotguns
    32. Kayaking
    33. Aerial Conditioning
    34. Floating
    35. Doing Acrobatics
    36. Cooking
    37. Filmmaking
    38. Kiteboarding, Sort Of
    39. Acting
    40. Flying in a 3-Axis Flight Simulator
    41. Wakeboarding
    42. Caving
    43. “Painting”
    44. Mastering Batons
    45. Electronic Measuring
    46. Tactical Shooting
    47. Jet-Skiing
    48. Driving in Left-Hand Traffic
    49. Parasailing
    50. Learning How to Work with Kitchen Knives
    51. Airsoft Shooting
    52. Candle Making
    53. Vacuum Forming
    54. Ice Skating
    55. Paintball
    56. Soap Making
    57. Glass Blowing
    58. Snowboarding
    59. Trike Gliding
    60. Bookbinding
    61. Visiting Choirs, Ballets, and Poetry Readings
    62. Flying an Airplane
    63. Arranging and Binding Flowers
    64. Writing
    65. Perfume Making
    66. Getting a Straight Razor Shave
    67. Camel Riding
    68. Beekeeping
    69. Motocross
    70. Letterpress Printing
    71. Stand-Up Paddleboarding
    72. Krav Maga
    73. Indoor Skydiving
    74. Playing Laser Tag
    75. Fencing
    76. Doing Ikebana
    77. Rafting
    78. Drawing
    79. Learning How to Operate a Taser
    80. Body Butter Making
    81. Learning How to Operate Radar
    82. Doing Pilates
    83. Photopolymer Platemaking
    84. Acupuncture
    85. Watching a Film in a Drive-In Theater
    86. Facial Expressions Identification Training (Online)
    87. Crocheting
    88. Jewelry Making
    89. Composting
    90. Brush Lettering and Sign Painting
    91. Sand Blasting
    92. Powder Coating
    93. Snowshoeing
    94. Learning About Edible and Medicinal Weeds
    95. Surfing
    96. Learning to Play the Ukulele
    97. Segway Riding
    98. Canoeing
    99. Singing and Voice Training
    100. Filipino Martial Arts
  • How to Become an Everyday Adventurer
  • About the Author
  • About 100 Things I Learned as an Everyday Adventurer

Ăśber mich

Gemäß Klappentext; beachte gegebenenfalls weitere Angaben über mich:

Jens O. Meiert believes that people have many talents.

Jens is an established expert web developer who has contributed to technical standards of the Web (W3C) and who has laid the foundations for large-scale international websites that reach tens of millions of users every day (GMX, Google). He has written a book about designing with CSS (O’Reilly, 2005/2007), developed frameworks and quality management systems for Google (2008–2013), and got nominated “Web Developer of the Year” by .net magazine (2011).

Jens is an everyday adventurer, described in this very book, who has traveled 6 continents, 40 countries, and more than 200 cities. He has made it his priority to try whatever is new to him, whatever activity or sport or class (or even food) comes near him, and documented almost 200 of these in the last 3 years alone. Jens just quit his job, left his city, to go backpack the world.

Jens is a social philosopher who has over the last few years studied more than 100 works around the topics of philosophy, psychology, social sciences, religion, spirituality, public relations, marketing &c. He’s an active supporter of and contributor to initiatives for societies that place emphasis on freedom, trust, and rights, and he’s focusing his own efforts on breaking through the media-fueled apathy we observe in our world today.

❧ Am Buch wirkten außerdem Sarah M. Tyrrell (Lektorin), Julia W. Tang (Cover-Konzepterin und Gutachterin) sowie J. Felix Desroches (ebenfalls Gutachter) mit.

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