The Little Book of HTML/CSS Frameworks

Buch vom 27. Februar 2015, exklusiv für O’Reilly. Schwerpunkt: (RSS-Feed für alle Themen).

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Eine SchnelleinfĂĽhrung in Web-Frameworks, fĂĽr Nutzer wie Entwickler.

Format und Preis E-Book, kostenlos
Paperback, aktuell nicht verfügbar
Extras Vorwort von Eric A. Meyer
Seitenzahl 42 (PDF)
Sprache Englisch
ISBN 978-1-4919-2016-9


With the speed of web development today, it’s little wonder that so many frameworks are available, since they come with a promise of saving development and design time. But using the wrong framework, or wrongly using the right framework, can be costly. This concise book shares higher-level ideas around web development frameworks that govern HTML and CSS code, whether you’re looking at an external option or planning to build your own.

Author Jens Meiert outlines various principles, methods, and practices that you can use to make sure your framework has the functionality you need without bloated code to slow you down.

  • Choose a framework that can be tailored and extended.
  • Stick to framework ground rules: follow the documentation and don’t overwrite framework code.
  • Build a framework by means of a prototype: a static internal website that includes all the page types and elements you need.
  • Focus on quality assurance during the development process, and quality control to find and fix framework issues.
  • Diligently maintain and update your framework, whether it’s for internal or external use.
  • Anchor your documentation right where development happens.

Ăśber mich

Gemäß Klappentext; beachte gegebenenfalls weitere Angaben über mich:

Jens Oliver Meiert believes that people have many talents.

Jens is an established expert web developer who has contributed to technical standards of the Web (W3C), and laid the foundations for large-scale international websites that reach millions of users every day (GMX, Google). He has written a German book about designing with CSS (Webdesign mit CSS, O’Reilly, 2005/2007), developed frameworks and quality management systems for Google (2008–2013), and somehow got nominated “Web Developer of the Year” by .net magazine (2011).

Jens is an everyday adventurer, described in another book (100 Things I Learned as an Everyday Adventurer), who has traveled to 6 continents, 70 countries, and more than 400 cities. He has made it his priority to try whatever is new to him, whatever activity or lesson he has the chance to, and completed almost 200 of these in the last 3 years alone. In 2013, Jens quit his job and left his city to go backpack the world, which he’s still doing now, 18 months later.

Jens is a social philosopher who has over the last few years studied more than 300 works around the topics of philosophy, psychology, social sciences, public policy, economics, and more. He’s an active supporter of and contributor to initiatives that place emphasis on freedom, trust, and rights, and he’s focusing his own efforts on breaking through the probably-not-so-accidental apathy we observe in our world today.

Dieses Buch hat gleich zwei (aktuell kostenlose) Geschwisterchen: The Little Book of HTML/CSS Coding Guidelines und The Little Book of Website Quality Control!

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