Report a Mistake

Have me donate 10 U.S. dollars for issues you spot on this site! This website is intended to be factually and technically accurate, yet the growing amount of content increases the probability of mistakes and errors. If you contribute to improvements, I wish to do something constructive as well. (In the past I paid out money directly, but nowadays, I think donating to a charity is a better idea.)

How Does It Work?

When you find a mistake, be it factual, orthographic, usability-related, or else, email me at

I confirm the report and the respective issue. At the end of each month (sometimes a little later), I select the most severe issue or most helpful report.

ā€œWinnersā€ have two weeks to reply after they got notified, to pick a charity that accepts PayPal (I reserve the right to reject an organization, and to ask to choose another). I then transfer the money.

There is no legal claim to anything offered here, since the definition and assessment of a mistake may be difficult, subjective, or both. Participation is voluntary, and the terms outlined may change.

Unless they choose otherwise, winners are mentioned in the ā€œHall of Fameā€ and, if they opt to, linked (to a personal website).



I have no idea anymore how my English (or German) must sound like. Please interpret charitably, and let me know if you notice particular patterns or problems.

Iā€™m a friend of the ā€œsingular ā€˜they,ā€™ā€ but occasionally and also outside of I refer to only one gender, like when working with a hypothetical single person in an example. If a distinction between genders is relevant, I point it out.

Please let me know when I use someoneā€™s personal pronouns incorrectly. Iā€™m happy to correct them. (If it can be assumed that most people know the correct pronouns, this constitutes a mistake as per the quality program described on this page.)


Links are checked and corrected on a random basis, though mileage may vary for blog comments. I welcome reports on broken links, but I donā€™t reward them as part of this initiative.

Old User Agents

Letā€™s ignore display problems in Internet Explorer for Mac, Netscape Navigator 4, and pals. I do. [This note dates back to 2005 and serves as a witness to past web development times.]

Previous Issue Reports

See the Hall of Fame.

If youā€™re interested, this initiativeā€™s background is explained in more detail in the blog (including feedback from none other than Donald Norman).