Asking for Your Feedback

Published on August 28, 2008 (↻ August 6, 2023), filed under (RSS feed for all categories).

I’d like to ask for 15 seconds (meaning exactly 15 seconds) of your precious time for a short survey related to this website, to learn about your perspective:

Survey: How do you rate

Thank you so much!

As a quick heads-up, I’m heading to the United States tomorrow to work in our California offices for two weeks, and to go on vacation for one week to tour the Southwest. During that time I may or may not have the time to respond to mail very quickly, or to publish new posts on this site. It depends; I’ll try.

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About Me

Jens Oliver Meiert, on November 9, 2024.

I’m Jens (long: Jens Oliver Meiert), and I’m a web developer, manager, and author. I’ve worked as a technical lead and engineering manager for a few companies, I’m a contributor to several web standards, and I write and review books for O’Reilly and Frontend Dogma.

I love trying things, not only in web development and engineering management, but also in other areas like philosophy. Here on I share some of my experiences and views. (I value you being critical, interpreting charitably, and giving feedback.)

Comments (Closed)

  1. On August 28, 2008, 23:55 CEST, Louis said:

    Will you publish the results?
    I wonder what your other readers think đŸ˜Š

  2. On August 30, 2008, 4:03 CEST, p2a said:

    Noch vergessen (ID 1262105):

    die Diskussionen hier in den Kommentaren sind nicht benutzerfreundlich, wenn man nich von Anfang an dranbleibt. Eine Baumstruktur wÀre super. Oder aber eine Zusammenfassung der Diskussion nach einiger Zeit (nicht nur, wenn dadurch eine Revision des Artikels folgt)

  3. On August 31, 2008, 4:03 CEST, lazar said:

    I think you should have asked more (and more specific) questions in the survey. Maybe, ‘would we like more multimedia or graphics’?

    Also, what does it mean ‘technical quality’?

  4. On August 31, 2008, 16:34 CEST, Anonymous said:

    @lazar: I think he applies to the quality of the code of as well as doesn’t he? But this would be very subjective then, hmm 

  5. On August 31, 2008, 23:32 CEST, Jens Oliver Meiert said:

    Louis, not necessarily, but the feedback I got so far already suggests that đŸ˜Š

    p2a, in English, please. While there are probably more useful ways to organize comments, the structure seems to be pretty standard. I’ll think about it.

    Lazar, I considered going for more detail, but I know that people don’t like surveys that take half a day of their time, so I went for a simple format that still left room for remarks under “comments and suggestions.” With “technical quality” I do indeed refer to quite simplified feedback for the frontend code used on this site.

    Anonymous, thanks for clarifying đŸ˜Š However, I’m not sure if that is really “subjective” (which reminds me of something
) đŸ˜‰

    All, thank you for your contributions! This is awesome!

  6. On September 4, 2008, 13:15 CEST, André Luís said:

    I don’t really know how good QuestionPro really is, but I just wanted to tell you to keep an eye out for I’ve been beta testing it and it is nothing short of brilliant. đŸ˜Š

  7. On September 5, 2008, 23:33 CEST, Anonymous called Markus said:

    @Jens: After I have read your recommended blog article about opinions and so on I would modify my previous comment: the feedback to ‘technical quality’ of the brand ‘Jens Meiert’ is imho „subjective“ concerning opinions that are not linked with any arguments. Right?