Fear and the Creative Dilemma

Published on September 3, 2015 (ā†» April 3, 2024), filed under (RSS feed for allĀ categories).

In the Seth school of thought thereā€™s an interesting issue, the creative dilemma. * In short, thereā€™s identity which constantly attempts to maintain stability, thereā€™s action which inherently drives towards change, and that combination results in a particular imbalance: consciousness of self. The dilemma, specifically, is that though identity seeks stability, it would not exist without change. ā€ 

Fear, then, is also interesting, for itā€™s directed towards the future and change in the future, covering what, in the time model, hasnā€™t happened yet. Fear has a tendency to stall, not to changeā€”even if change may be exactly what we need to avert actual dangers. And so fear, benefiting the status quo, seems to represent identity in the creative dilemma, trying to maintain stability.

What we may now observe is a pairing full of tension, tension we cannotā€”I cannotā€”yet comprehend: identityā€™s goal of stability mapping to fear, and actionā€™s drive towards change apparently mapping to desire.

That pairing, already linked to the force to make consciousness, now turns into a formidable blend to be quite at the core of our existence. And I donā€™t know anymore what to do here.

In the final review of this post Iā€™ve noticed that fear and desire, as opposites, could also be seen as changing roles: fear may solicit stability and desire seek change as described, but fear may also seek change and desire solicit stability. I want to think about this with you.

* Seth actually referred to three creative dilemmas, which Iā€™m somewhat merging into one for simplicity.

ā€  It gets better. ā€œConsciousness, therefore, is not a ā€˜thingā€™ in itself. It is a dimension of action, an almost miraculous state.ā€ A pointer for more studies.

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About Me

Jens Oliver Meiert, on November 9, 2024.

Iā€™m Jens (long: Jens Oliver Meiert), and Iā€™m a web developer, manager, and author. Iā€™ve worked as a technical lead and engineering manager for small and large enterprises, Iā€™m an occasional contributor to web standards (like HTML, CSS, WCAG), and I write and review books for Oā€™Reilly and FrontendĀ Dogma.

I love trying things, not only in web development and engineering management, but also in other areas like philosophy. Here on meiert.com I share some of my experiences and views. (I value you being critical, interpreting charitably, and givingĀ feedback.)