My Year in Cities, 2013

Published on December 30, 2013 (↻ February 5, 2024), filed under (RSS feed for all categories).

The story of my 18 months of travel around the world, though not including this article, is available as a big but humble e-book: Journey of J.

Traditionally I post a list of all the new places I visited during a year in some sort of year-end review, too. The same this year as I’m fairly confident that I won’t leave Santiago anymore now that I just got here, and as the year’s window’s closing quickly. One thing is different, however: I’m including just the places I’ve visited since I discarded my old life. I haven’t traveled much during the first half of the year anyway.

Not a treasure map either.

Figure: A different type of breadcrumb trail.

  1. Miami, FL, United States
  2. Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic
  3. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  4. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
  5. Guadalajara, Mexico
  6. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  7. Guadalajara, Mexico
  8. Guanajuato, Mexico
  9. Mexico City, Mexico
  10. Teotihuacan, Mexico
  11. San Jose, Costa Rica
  12. Poas, Costa Rica
  13. Sabanilla, Costa Rica
  14. Vara Blanca, Costa Rica
  15. Panama City, Panama
  16. Quito, Ecuador
  17. Ciudad Mitad del Mundo, Ecuador
  18. Machachi, Ecuador
  19. Baños, Ecuador
  20. Ambato, Ecuador
  21. Riobamba, Ecuador
  22. Chimborazo, Ecuador
  23. Cuenca, Ecuador
  24. Loja, Ecuador
  25. MacarĂĄ, Ecuador
  26. Piura, Peru
  27. Trujillo, Peru
  28. Chan Chan, Peru
  29. Moche, Peru
  30. Huanchaco, Peru
  31. Conache, Peru
  32. El Brujo, Peru
  33. Huaraz, Peru
  34. Lima, Peru
  35. Ica, Peru
  36. Nazca, Peru
  37. Chauchilla, Peru
  38. Arequipa, Peru
  39. Puno, Peru
  40. Sillustani, Peru
  41. Islas Uros, Peru
  42. Isla Taquile, Peru
  43. La Paz, Bolivia
  44. Uyuni, Bolivia
  45. Isla Incahuasi, Bolivia
  46. San Juan, Bolivia
  47. Laguna Cañapa, Bolivia
  48. Laguna Hedionda, Bolivia
  49. Laguna Honda, Bolivia
  50. Árbol de Piedra, Bolivia
  51. Laguna Colorada, Bolivia
  52. Sol de Mañana, Bolivia
  53. Termas de Polques, Bolivia
  54. Laguna Verde, Bolivia
  55. Laguna Blanca, Bolivia
  56. San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
  57. Antofagasta, Chile
  58. CopiapĂł, Chile
  59. La Serena, Chile
  60. Coquimbo, Chile
  61. Vicuña, Chile
  62. Santiago, Chile

The Bolivia leg is a bit messed up. It’s a stretch to consider some of the places “cities,” however they were distinct stops on a little adventure trip through the Bolivian countryside that I figured I might just include. I added links to snapshots of traffic life that I document over at Animated Traffic. That site’s still an experiment but I’m tweaking it quite a bit to make it a worthy testament and alternative look at my journey—and all the cities I pass through.

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About Me

Jens Oliver Meiert, on November 9, 2024.

I’m Jens (long: Jens Oliver Meiert), and I’m a web developer, manager, and author. I’ve worked as a technical lead and engineering manager for small and large enterprises, I’m an occasional contributor to web standards (like HTML, CSS, WCAG), and I write and review books for O’Reilly and Frontend Dogma.

I love trying things, not only in web development and engineering management, but also in other areas like philosophy. Here on I share some of my experiences and views. (I value you being critical, interpreting charitably, and giving feedback.)