New Book: “Journey of J.”

Published on August 6, 2015 (↻ November 5, 2024), filed under (RSS feed for all categories).

Mostly for planned closure, somewhat for playful curiosity, I wrote another book. Journey of J.—Around the World in 557 Days, 1,017 Photos, and 291 Personal Notes is about the long and eventful trip I undertook after leaving the United States, in 2013, leading me back to my home country, Germany, in 2015.

Format Kindle ebook (free app for Android and iOS)
Price $9.99 U.S. and international
9.99 â‚¬ Germany and rest of Europe
Extras 1,017 photos
Length 1,266 pages
ISBN 978-0-9911480-2-8
Latest version 1.1.40 (bought the book, but reading an old version? contact me, maybe I can help)


The cover of “Journey of J.”

Journey of J. is a unique blend of photo journal and introspective diary, an unusual testament to 557 days of travel around the world. In this report, Jens Oliver Meiert shares 1,017 photographic impressions, and juxtaposes 291 personal observations. From simplified to deep, the result is a particular perspective of what happened in the traveler’s and adventurer’s life and in the 48 countries visited from 2013 to 2015.

→ This is the book if you enjoy authentic traveler reports of journeys gone well.

The outline:

  • Introduction
  • Acknowledgments
  • Prologue
    • How to Just Quit and Travel the World
    • How to Prepare to Travel the World
    • The Law of Travel
  • Journey of J.
    1. United States
    2. Dominican Republic
    3. Mexico
    4. United States
    5. Mexico
    6. Costa Rica
    7. Panama
    8. Ecuador
    9. Peru
    10. Bolivia
    11. Chile
    12. Argentina
    13. Uruguay
    14. Brazil
    15. Morocco
    16. England
    17. Turkey
    18. Greece
    19. Turkey
    20. Greece
    21. Israel
    22. Jordan
    23. Oman
    24. Kenya
    25. Uganda
    26. Rwanda
    27. South Africa
    28. Lesotho
    29. South Africa
    30. United Arab Emirates
    31. Turkey
    32. Georgia
    33. Armenia
    34. United Arab Emirates
    35. India
    36. Nepal
    37. Thailand
    38. Laos
    39. Thailand
    40. Hong Kong
    41. China
    42. Hong Kong
    43. Taiwan
    44. Singapore
    45. Indonesia
    46. Malaysia
    47. Australia
    48. New Zealand
    49. Australia
    50. Malaysia
    51. South Korea
    52. Japan
    53. South Korea
    54. Philippines
    55. United Arab Emirates
    56. Italy
    57. Vatican City State
    58. Italy
    59. Slovenia
    60. Austria
    61. Slovakia
    62. Austria
    63. Germany
  • Epilogue
    • What to Carry When Traveling the World
    • How to Travel the World and Stay Healthy
    • How to Travel the World and Stay Safe
    • 180 Little Stories After Traveling the World for 18 Months
  • Epilogue II
  • About the Author

❧ Once more do I thank the wonderful Sarah M. Tyrrell for her tremendous help editing the huge manuscript, as well as Lalit Dalal for his expertise making sure my photos were indeed mine.

When I say planned closure and playful curiosity I’d need to elaborate. You would be correct in perceiving no presumption, but personal meaning; you would, however, need to ask me at a different occasion to share more on how the book exactly constitutes closure and curiosity—unless I find that there’s use for a public account to be made later.

Then, both On Web Development and Journey of J. are markers for lives I’m leaving behind. I’ll still be a web developer, I’ll still maintain the mindset of an adventurer, but the significance of these last two books is that they are what I wanted as proof for myself that I’ve dived in quite far enough into these worlds so to, in peace and with ease (of mind), put more steam behind philosophy and politics.

Finally! My last books are no mass market books, however your own curiosity and support, and then your honest and kind feedback, do help me as an author. Have a look at my books and, of course, get a copy of Journey of J.!

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About Me

Jens Oliver Meiert, on November 9, 2024.

I’m Jens (long: Jens Oliver Meiert), and I’m a web developer, manager, and author. I’ve worked as a technical lead and engineering manager for a few companies, I’m a contributor to several web standards, and I write and review books for O’Reilly and Frontend Dogma.

I love trying things, not only in web development and engineering management, but also in other areas like philosophy. Here on I share some of my experiences and views. (I value you being critical, interpreting charitably, and giving feedback.)