Philosophy (3)

The Bio Enhancement Dilemma

Or, what if Donald Trump was Iron Man.

Published on August 2, 2016, filed under .

The Dilemma of the Kind Person

Imagine a fine human being who has a laudable goal. She wants to become a genuinely, cordially, most truly kind person. So she works on her objective…

Published on July 4, 2016, filed under .

On Rationality, and Love

Philosophy can be heart-breaking, or is it the other way around.

Published on July 2, 2016, filed under and .

On Consciousness

Speaking of which.

Published on June 9, 2016, filed under .

The cover of “How to Work on Oneself.”

New Book: “How to Work on Oneself”

Doubt led me to explore ways to grow, doubt now led me to ask my editor three times whether to publish under a pseudonym: I sketched, in what resembles an essay, how to learn, how to grow, or—How to Work on Oneself.

Published on June 2, 2016, filed under .

Problems, No Problems, Desires

In my own non-academic studies I’ve found common definitions of “problem” unsatisfying. I’ve tried to redefine “problem” for something more flexible, leading to a redefinition I believe to hold up well. Philosophize together with me.

Published on June 1, 2016, filed under .

Humanity and “The Other Manifesto”

On a wish for more work on a vision, on values, on principles, on goals actually worth striving for, on utopias, on a good future, a good cause, a good world for all of us.

Published on February 23, 2016, filed under and .

Stream Theory

Not just since the Law of Attraction is there this idea of “like attracts like,” of self-fulfilling prophecies, of better being “careful” what we wish for. There’s another concept that I do like to work with though, in another thought experiment.

Published on January 31, 2016, filed under .

Philosophy Factoids


Published on November 30, 2015, filed under .

On Mistakes

What is a mistake, really?

Published on November 16, 2015, filed under .

On the Anatomy of Beliefs

From a philosophical viewpoint, here a strictly solipsistic one, any statement is a belief. Beliefs are important because they determine how we interpret, and per some schools of thought, make our realities…

Published on November 8, 2015, filed under .

The 1,000 Lives Thought Experiment

Open up a text editor or grab a piece of paper, and write down what you’d do if you had another life. Or what you’d wish for in another life. Assume that anything goes…

Published on October 27, 2015, filed under .

On Science Experimenting on Life

There are boundaries, and some boundaries must be non-negotiable.

Published on September 10, 2015, filed under .

The Teaching Dilemma

Maybe we’re here to learn, but is it at all said that we can be taught?

Published on September 7, 2015, filed under .

Fear and the Creative Dilemma

In the Seth school of thought there’s an interesting issue, the creative dilemma. In short, there’s identity which constantly attempts to maintain stability, there’s action which inherently drives towards change, and that combination results in a particular imbalance—

Published on September 3, 2015, filed under .

Several Lives

I have no doubt that we live several lives. I have no doubt for there’s an entirely different belief system, an entirely different thought framework, that supports this model. Here, though, I want to isolate a single idea, the one of multiple lives, as opposed to one life.

Published on August 20, 2015, filed under .

Two Realities

Wundt wrote in 1911 how “a human being is a psycho-physical and not only a physical unity,” and here we’re thinking about that a little, aloud.

Published on August 13, 2015, filed under .

Loving Technology

I love the idea of caring, of loving technology. I believe we need technology that is loving. I think we have ample opportunities to envision and build technology that is loving. Here I’ll be brief and merely bring up the concept.

Published on May 8, 2015, filed under .

On the Problems and Limits of Science

Science can’t explain everything. It never could. It never will. Yet science is run as if it could explain everything. It is run completely unchecked. And this unchecked pretense of omniscience and omnipotence is a problem for us for a number of reasons.

Published on March 31, 2015, filed under .

On Taking Life

We cannot accept killing. The default must be to respect, to cherish life. We should get help to those who suggest to take lives. Eight theses on a most critical matter.

Published on February 14, 2015, filed under .

The One Assumption About Our Reality

We’re bringing 2014 to an end, and just as with 2013 I like to close with something constructive, something encouraging.

Published on December 31, 2014, filed under .

Lessons From Writing a Dream Journal

I love dreaming. I love dreams. Dreams are fascinating. I’ve learned that dreams are realities just as real as this one, physical reality. I’ve learned that much when it comes to dream memory depends on one’s own beliefs with respect to dreaming…

Published on February 14, 2014, filed under and .

A Social-Philosophical Journey in 25 Quotes

I was reviewing my Google+ posts the other day. In there I rediscovered a good number of quotes. What connected most of them were my studies. And when I looked at them I found they sort of tell a little story.

Published on September 23, 2013, filed under .

Product of the Environment

Philosophy, live from Zurich airport.

Published on October 23, 2009, filed under .

If you like what you see here, check out How to Work on Oneself for a lightweight look at personal growth and development, or The Problems With All the Good Things for an AI-supported perspective on—problems.